About us

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

It is incredibly easy to get started. All you have to do is, book an appointment with one of our proffessional brokers, and you are done. Once you are connected with your broker, they will guide you through the rest of the steps.

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What are the requirements?

The only requirements are a bank account, and a driver's license. Your broker will need to collect some other information from you; however, this information is not stored in our system in anyway. Once the application is submitted, your broker will never have access to your information again.

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What if I don't know anything about life insurance?

There is no need to worry, when you connect with one of our proffessional brokers, they will be able to assist you in understanding the different types of life insurance policies, how they can all be beneficial to you, and help you make a decision as to what the best coverage options are to protect your family. All of our professional brokers are state licensed and certified, to be able to thoroughly answer any questions you may have.

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Is this a scam?

Absolutely not! We encourage you to check out the NIPR (National Insurance Producer Registry) website, and see all of our proffessional brokers, various state licenses and certifications. Links to all of our NIPR license pages, can be found here.

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How can we connect?

You have the option to either meet your professional broker in your home, a neutral location, or make a phone appointment. If you would like to have an in person appointment, please allow at least 24 hours ahead of scheduling the appointment, so that your broker can be sure that they will be able to physically make it to your appointment at that time. If a broker has an appointment far away from your location, and they have to come to you immediately after, they may need to schedule you a little farther out, so that they can make it to your appointment.

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What if I am on a fixed income?

We completely understand and are very used to accommodating such situations. The majority of the policies that we broker for, have been specifically designed to fit into the budget, of an individual living on the minimum social security income. If budget is a concern, make sure you speak with your broker about how much you would be comfortable putting towards your family protection plan, and they will work with you to find the best coverage option to fit your budget.

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What if I am extremely busy, and can't dedicate a lot of time to talking about this?

Absolutely not a problem at all. If you have serious time constraints, we have professional brokers who will work by, appointment only, at any hour of the day. We also have forms that you can fill out ahead of time, after you have booked an appointment, that will help to expedite the process at the time of your appointment. If you supply us with your budget, health information, and amount of coverage you are looking for, we can have you done with your appointment, with an application submitted, in as little as 20 minutes!

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What if I already have life insurance?

That is absolutely amazing, and we want to congratulate you on, protecting your family before anything happened! If you already have life insurance, and you have ended up here, chances are you either, want more coverage, or are looking for someone to help you understand the policy that you have. All of our professional brokers are very well versed in helping clients under all different types of policies, from all the different companies.

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What is day on life insurance?

The vast majority of life insurance that is sold in America, is what is called "graded". This means that there is a 2 year wait, where if you die during that time, the benefit amount will be the total amount of premiums paid, plus an additional 10%. However, working with one of our professional brokers, gives you access to policies that cut that wait out! All you have to do, is answer a few simple medical questions, and have a prescription history check. With access to hundreds of day one life insurance products, we can help the vast majority of people find day one coverage.

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What medical conditions would make it so I can't get day one coverage?

While we do have access to all of the top carriers, and all of their product, there are still some medical conditions that cannot be covered on a day one policy. Such conditions include but are not entirely limited to; Congestive Heart Failure, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Alzheimer's, Dementia, diagnosed memory loss, organ transplant advised or received. The purpose of this list is to show you that there are certain conditions that will never be able to be insured on a day one policy. This is not a complete list of conditions that will keep you from qualifying for a day one policy. Combinations of conditions/medications can also cause you to not be able to be insured on a day one policy.

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(517) 923-3233

Phone Number

9630 Graceland Dr.

Belding Mi 48809


E-mail address

Wonder Life Brokerage